wHAT is World
Water Day?
A United Nations day of significance, it’s celebrated as an annual, global event to raise awareness about freshwater.
Learn more about the annual event that brings global communities together to celebrate our Earth’s water.
We are joining people around the world, in celebration and protection of freshwater. At the heart of the two largest Great Lakes, the only outflowing river from Lake Superior and a plethora of inland waterways, we are truly in a spectacular place to celebrate and protect freshwater.
From season to season, our experiences of water change, as do the activities and memories that go along with them. We have reached out to students across the Algoma District and broader local and global community, asking people to share their freshwater stories. What a heartwarming and wonderful experience to share. Thank you to all who contributed.
Celebrate our Freshwater Stories
Join us as we celebrate the many Water Stories sent in during this year’s #freshwater4change Storytelling Challenge for World Water Day 2021.
Watch our Virtual Presentations
STUDEnt Presentation
World Water Day’s Student Presentation was on
Monday, March 22nd,
from 9 - 10:15 am EDT
Zoom line opens at 9am EDT
Hosted by Water Wise, Algoma University, and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF).
Evening Presentation
Evening Presentation
World Water Day’s Evening Presentation was on
Monday, March 22nd,
from 6 - 7 pm EDT
World Water Day 2021, Sault Ste. Marie Ontario, and Michigan
Hosted by Water Wise and Center for Freshwater Research and Education, at LSSU.
Follow LSSU’s Center for Freshwater Research and Education on social media!
Indigenous communities are on both sides of the border in Sault Ste. Marie.
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek (ah-nish-nah-beck) of Baawaating (bah-wah-ting) which includes the Aanishinaabek (ah-nish-nah-beck) of Sault Tribe, Kinoozhekaaming (kin-oh-zhe-kaw-ning) Bay Mills, Batchewana First Nation and Kitigan Ziibing (get-ah-gahn-zee-bing) Garden River and their kinship relatives of the Historic Metis settlement.
We acknowledge the Anishinaabek (ah-nish-nah-beck) and Metis as the original custodians of the land, water, and air. We respect their ancestors and current members for their stewardship as the original and current land, water and air protectors.
Elaine Ho
Dr. Ashley Moerke
Rebecca Schroeder
Mary Anne Caibaiosai
Trisha Westman
Mike Burrell
Tom Johnston
OUR Virtual Presentation Hosts
Elliot Nelson Michigan Sea Grant | Helping to foster economic growth and protect Michigan’s coastal, Great Lakes resources through education, research, and outreach.
Janie Pépin, Algoma University
Megan Parlowe, https://www.algomau.ca/marketing-communications
Jennifer Kirk, MNRF Support
To the amazing team of inspired volunteers, creating and delivering our inaugural World Water Day celebration, for our Twin Sault communities and beyond. A collaborative effort for our Upper Great Lakes.
Beth Christiansen https://www.lssu.edu/cfre/
Emily Tithecott, Graphic Designer
Alexa Graves, Communication Director
Website Design | Bold Evolution Design
(@alexandraagraves) • Instagram photos and videos
Stevie Rae Luzzi, Graduate Student
Margot Zink, LSSU
Elaine Ho, www.GrandErieStudy.ca
Kristan MacLachlan, Co-researcher, Educational Lead