What We Do

We are guardians of the Upper Great Lakes, and we are on a mission to protect the Upper Great Lakes as a freshwater source as a place to be, cleanse, renew, and play.



People care for what they love. We want to nurture an appreciation, deep respect, and awareness of our waterways, so that we can work together, in fun, as passionate advocates for positive change.



We aim to raise awareness about Indigenous knowledge, culture, science, and research regarding our water. This will inform how we will work to collaborate as agents of restorative change, through educational events, actions and challenges, and a special celebration of World Water Day.



We each have a story that connects us to water - prana - a life force that sustains us.

We want to share stories and artistic expressions through moments and memories, woven together by water, in the spirit of community.



With ripples of action, come greater waves of change - collective impact.

Through research and freshwater sustainability initiatives, we aim to create real and measurable change for these incredibly amazing, fresh waterways.  We intend to form a baseline to monitor and measure the changes made with scientific, community, and government partners.