What is World Water Day?
A United Nations day of significance, it’s celebrated as an annual, global event to raise awareness about freshwater.
Click here to learn more about the UN’s World Water Day.
Autumn Peltier, Water Activist, Wiikwemkoong First Nation on Manitoulin Island:
Canadian Indigenous water activist Autumn Peltier addresses UN on clean water | CBC News
World water day 2021
Learn how you can participate in this year’s World Water Day, through virtual storytelling and events.
Valuing Water. What Does Water Mean To You?
We are in an International Decade for Action, with Water for Sustainable Development (Decade of Action – United Nations Sustainable Development) as a top priority, bringing freshwater to the forefront, with a strategic focus.
What better place to zoom in, than at the heart of our Great Lakes, so prominent on a map, or even a world globe. It’s easy to pinpoint. At the nexus of Lake Superior and Lake Huron, connected by the St. Mary’s River, this place and her waterways are special.
The Great Lakes combined comprise nearly 20% of the world’s freshwater. In addition, of all the freshwater on this vast and wide planet, only 0.3% is accessible to all beings, in the form of lakes, rivers, streams, and swamps. More than 30 million people in Canada and the US rely on the Great Lakes as their drinking water source.
How amazing and mind-blowing is that! And here’s the thing. There are threats to our waterways, and what we do makes an impact on the water we drink, the fish we eat, the ice we play on, and the splash we make, as we cool off on a hot summer’s day.
Pollution is the highest threat to Northern Lake Huron and Northeastern Lake Superior. These homewaters, that form so many of our experiences and memories.
Our Reflections
Each of Us, Part of the Problem and Part of the Solution.
An ever-growing amount of plastics and microplastics are entering our Great Lakes. In order to get that plastic to us, it makes journeys of many days or weeks. Often used, for only a few minutes before being tossed away. And when this plastic blows onto our shorelines or into our waterways, the sun, waves, and other elements break these pieces down into tiny fragments that never go away. They enter our water system, the one that sustains us. Learn how you can help clean up the Great Big Plastic Mess.
We Can Make a Difference.
Each and every one of us, for our amazing waterways.
It’s in the decisions we make and the actions we take.
For This Place We Call Home.
For our incredible Upper Great Lakes.